NPMA can make a difference in your business. NPMA provides essential tools to help train your employees, grow your business, save you money and expose your company to new customers. Here are just a few things we do for our members every day: for a complete list visit
*Toll-free access to on-staff technical and business experts
*Free 0n-demand webinar series
*Proactive consumer advocacy
*Peer-to-peer networking
*Access to latest industry news and info
*Exclusive member discounts to meetings and conventions
*Your voice before all levels of government and regulator agencies
*Listing on consumer "Find a Pro" website
*Discounts on products and services
Some of NPMA Membership Benefits
Resource Center
NPMA’s Resource Center provides a vast array of up-to-the-minute technical and business management resources specifically developed for the pest management industry and designed to help your company succeed.
Get exclusive access to dozens of technical and business courses in NPMA’s Online Learning Center. Learn at your own pace with access to over 60 webinars hosted by academic and industry experts. And, review speaker bios, handouts and presentations from over 30 archived NPMA events.
Through our new system, you can maintain your training records – as well as those of our staff – in one place.
Pest Identification and Technical Resources
NPMA offers complimentary services through our three staff PhD entomologists to provide your team with the resources they need to correctly identify the pest in question and implement proper control strategies. Additionally, the Field Guide App offers users an easy way to access information on over 200 different structural pests, with high resolution photos and charts for confident identification. PMPs will also be able to send an email directly to NPMA experts about a certain pest, create individual notes, take photos, reference the glossary or browse saved files.
NPMA's extensive image library gives you access to hundreds of hi-resolution pest photos, all free to use for your company's website, social media or other promotional materials.
NPMA provides many model service contracts from bed bug inspections to termite treatments, all covering both the PMP's and the client's responsibilities. NPMA also provides safety and service standards for food processing and handling facilities, bed bug management, QualityPro accreditation, LEED certification and OSHA.
Human Resources Consultant
NPMA offers a complimentary certified human resources consultant to help you mitigate potential human resource issues.
NPMA provides a forum for all members to engage with other business owners, technicians, etc. and share ideas and resources on wide variety of topics
Business Growth
NPMA increases your exposure to potential customers through our zip code locator, leveling the playing field for smaller companies.
State and Federal Advocacy
NPMA monitors state and federal movement in the legislative and regulatory arenas to increase your awareness of new regulations/laws impacting business opportunities and intercept potentially damaging legislation.
Health Insurance Exchange
In October (in time for the 2018 health insurance enrollment cycle), NPMA will launch its health insurance program for the membership.
This health insurance focuses on providing small and mid-sized employers with benefit options previously only made available to larger employers.
The program is limited to NPMA members.
This is NOT an all or nothing type of benefit offering. Members can take advantage of the benefits that are most useful for them and their employees. Options include a self-funded medical plan, a health reimbursement arrangement, flexible spending accounts and guarantee issue products.
Members can use their own insurance agents to look into the program
Should members have specific insurance questions, please contact David K. Young’s office at 210-558-0999 or have them submit an email to
If members have questions concerning the membership dues increase Janay Rickwalder is your NPMA Point of Contact; her email address is
The Federal Housing Administration has received approval from the Office of Management and Budget to begin adoption of the new HUD-NPMA-99A and HUD-NPMA-99B. You may have seen the proposals at various stages. According to Gregory J. Baumann - Vice President, Technical Services for the National Pest Management Association, use of the forms is authorized immediately; old stock may be used until supplies are exhausted.