The primary purpose of re-certification is to further enhance the skills of applicators and routinely update their knowledge as new information + technologies become available. (requirements posted below are for the state of Tennessee)
CategoriesPoints Per YearTotal for 3 Year Period 7 & 12 10 30 1,3,6,8 & 10 6 18 2,4 & 5 4 12 11,13,14,15 & 16 3 9
**CERTIFICATION INFORMATION: you cannot earn more than 75% of your total point requirement at any one school. Half of your points each year can be earned in-house. If you should have any questions, please give our certification section a call 615-837-5310
The information listed is regarding an enhancement to PSI Customer Services regarding TN testing candidates. This new number will be placed on TDA’s website.
As per PSI, due to the HIGH call volume on the current PSI Customer Care General line 800# we have set up a “Dedicated Phone number” just for the Tennessee Pesticide program. This should help with your candidates who wish to schedule exams, ask questions, etc. The wait time for the dedicated number should be much shorter and candidates will be able to talk to a representative much sooner.
Please feel free to share this number with all candidates who call into TDA who wish to contact PSI. The PSI Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) on-line will be updated with this new number as well.
The new Tennessee Pesticide CSR DEDICATED PHONE Number is: 855-557-0624
Yes, the Nashville sites are open ar 4:00 AM to 8:00 AM a few days a week. They are also testing on Sundays.
PSI is dedicated to exemplary Customer Service and this is just one more way we strive to achieve this goal.
Sincerely, Kathy
KATHY BOOKER| Pesticide Administrator Department of Agriculture Pesticide Section Ellington Agricultural Center, Porter Building P.O. Box 40627, Nashville, Tennessee 37204 (phone) 615-837-5133 (fax) 615-837-5012
go online to : SCROLL DOWN under Programs click on Online Pesticide System you can find forms and rules and regulations . On-line certification point can no longer be accessed, to get your point status contact your TDA Inspector.
A new certification period will be July 1-June 30 each year. The Current certification period ends June 30, 2026
Point Status
We no long have access to a website to find current point status so if you need to check on your points contact Bonnie Potter at or call 615-837-5178.
Region 3 TPCA Schools- - Point Pursuit - - All-Points - Smokey Mountain Conference - Apprentice Termite School - Bed Bug & Cockroach Management Meeting
Information on these schools are listed below,
Discounts rates for Region 3 schools are given for Region 3 members. A joint membership form is provided here, membership runs from July 1 to June 30 each year.
Training & Certification Schools Coming in the Area: I will list any training I find in the Middle Tennessee area as I receive it below. If you see a logo but no school information it is because that school was already held but may be held again in this area so I will leave the contact information to be available for you to research.
The Smokey Mountain Conference will be held in East Tennessee in January 15th . Registration is available call 865-236-0034 for registration and program or go to 7 approved for points in TN The class will be held at University of Tennessee Conference Center, 600 Henley Street, Knoxville, TN
CLASSES: Scott Burnett - go to his web site for a list of these classes and registration or call 901-289-2178. The cost is $100 and covers ALL CATEGORIES so if you are in need of a lot of points or those hard to find category classes this is the class for you.
To register go online at or call 901-289-2178. $100 per personcovers all your annual CEU needs, in most cases.
A list of classes around the state, organized by the UT Extension, can be found in the following file You will find information of Training Dates, upcoming Meetings, StudyMaterials TDA forms & fact sheets and much more.
Certification training occurs the first Wednesday of each month in Knoxville. It is downlinked by interactive television to ETUS, UT Chattanooga, UT Extension District Office in Nashville and UT West Tennessee Center in Jackson if enough people preregister. Current Certification and Recertification Training Dates Go to to register, click on Training Dates.
Preregister by using the Commercial Applicator Training Registeration Form F817 or through the eMarketplace.
UT Extension Curent Workshops/Seminars categories 1,2,3,6,7,10 & 12
Lexington KY at the Lexington Convention Center. See the website above for Short Course information, Agenda and registration form. NEW: you can now pay by credit card by contacting Darlene at (859)257-5955 or e-mail: .