Mark Cavanaugh of bwi will speak on Safety In The Workplace.
Dennis Waldrop of Oldham Chemical Co will be our guest speaker.
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September 2024 meeting
2023-2024 Region 3 President, Blake Foster, will pass the gavel to 2024-2025 President George Simpson. Blake has done a wonderful job of getting speakers and keeping the members informed of TPCA and TDA information. Thank you for a job well done! We will also hopefully be able to present the second scholarship winner, Alexandra Dihonov, with her check. Guest Speaker: Mark Cavanaugh of BWI who will talk on Rodents
Our guest speaker at the July meeting will be Derrek Hardy of Corteva talking on Termites. We will also be presenting the Region 3 Scholarship check to Emily Ender whose grandmother, Anita Reynolds, who runs Apple's Environmental Pest Solutions. We had two people selected to get scholarships this year since we did not have any applicants last year. The second winner is Alexandra Dihonov whose father, Jay Dihonov who is the technical manager of Rentokil-Terminix.
Guest speaker will be Drew Lockhart of Zoecon
Guest Speaker is Matt Higley from Syngenta speaking on Spiders
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Guest speake is Eric Ham of FMC: Cockroaches??...They Are Back!!!
Our guest speaker will be Julia Willingham from Siteone she will speaker on Wood Destroying Bees and Wasps.
The guest speaker for the September 28th meeting will be Dennis Waldrop of Oldham Chemical Company, topic to be determined
July 13, 2023 Meeting Our next Region 3 meeting will be held on Thursday, July 13 at the Santa Fe Cattle Company 2520 Music Valley Dr, Nashville TN. Food orders can be taken at 5:00 pm and the meeting begins at 6:00 pm. The guest speaker will be Mark Cavanaugh of BWI speaking on Safety. One certification point will be awarded for this talk.
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May 17, 2023 Our May meeting will be held on the 17th at the Santa Fe Cattle Company 2520 Music Valley Dr. Nashville TN Food orders can be taken at 5:00 pm and the meeting begins at 6:00 pm. The guest speaker is David Jame of BWI speaking on Fleas
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March 15, 2023 Meeting Our March meeting will be held on March 15th at the Santa Fe Cattle Company 2520 Music Valley Dr Nashville, TN Food orders can be taken at 5:00 pm and the meeting begins at 6:00 pm. The guest speaker will be Jeremy Brown of Forshaw speaking on Roaches
January 18, 2023 Meeting Our next Region 3 meeting will be held on January 18, 2023 at the Santa Fe Cattle Company 2520 Music Valley Dr, Nashville, TN Food orders can be taken at 5:00 pm and the meeting begins at 6:00 pm The guest speaker will be Derrek Hardy of Corteva who will talk on Termites. One Certification point will be awarded for attending this meeting.
November 16th 2022 Meeting
Our next Region 3 meeting will be on November 16th, 2022 at the Sana Fe Cattle Company 2520 Music Valley Dr, Nashville, TN Food orders can be taken at 5:00 pm and the meeting beings at 6:00 pm The guest speaker will be Ernie Schoonover of Bell Labs speaking on Moles & Voles
2023 Region 3 Meeting Dates January 18 March 15 May 17 July 19 (this could change depending on the TPCA Summer Conference Dates) September 20 November 15
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 21st at the Santa Fe Cattle Company 2520 Music Valley Dr, Nashville, TN Food orders can be taken at 5:00 pm and the meeting begins at 6:00 pm. The guest speaker will be David James of BWI speaking on Spiders One certification point will be awarded for this talk
Our November meeting will be held on November 16th at the Santa Fe Cattle Company. The guest speaker will be Earnie Schoonover of Bell Labs speaking on Moles
July 27, 2022 Our next Region 3 meeting will be on July 27th at Santa Fe Cattle Company, 2520 Music Valley Dr., Nashville, TN Food orders can be taken at 5:00 pm and the meeting begins at 6:00The guest speaker will be Sean Jurecic of MGK who will talk on Why is Mosquito Control Important to your Customers.
May 18, 2022 Our next Region 3 meeting will be on May 18th, at Santa Fe Cattle Company, 2520 Music Valley Dr. Nashville, TN. Food orders can be taken at 5:00 pm and the meeting begins at 6:00. The guest speaker will be Jennifer Sweeney BCE, M.S. Technical Director at All American Pest Control who will speak on Modes Of Action, How Pesticides Work NOTE: The July meeting will be on the 27th instead of the 20th due to the TPCA Summer Conference conflict.
Meetings are now Scheduled on WEDNESDAY'S as follows: November 17 (2022) January 19 - March 16 - May 18 - July 27 - September 21 - November 16
Drew Lockhart of Zoecon will be speaking on Carpenter Bees.
VIRTUAL MEETING Thursday, April 29, 2021 The next meeting will be April 29th instead of May 6th, it will be a Virtual Meeting from 3:00-4:30. if you would like to attend and don't get an invite , please email Carol at and request an invite. There will be a guest speaker and one certification point will be awarded for attending this meeting in category 7.
The March 4th meeting will be Virtual and held from 3:00-4:30. invites will be sent to member companies, if you did not get an invite and want to attend email Carol at and request an invite.
Abbey Gretsch will talk on Termites
SPEAKER: David James of bwi will speak on Stinging Insects
Speaker: Mark Cavanaugh of Forshaw - The ABC's of Spider Control
Speaker: Karl Kibodeaux of CSI will speak on Insecticide Resistance: Mechanisms and Management
Blake Southerland, Region 3 President 2018-2019 will hand the gavel over to incoming President, Bobby Yant. Ryan Roth will take the President Designate position. The Region 3 10th Annual $1,000 Scholarship will be awarded.
GUEST SPEAKER: Hank Robison of Oldham Chemical Company speaking on Safety in the Work Place.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 16 at Ryan's Grill & Steakhouse 2151 Gallatin Rd. Madison, TN
Guest Speaker: Isaac Kelton of bwi - the topic has not yet been chosen
NPMA is raising their membership dues significantly this year, last year they raised them 5% this year is another 30-45%. The meeting will be to decided if TPCA wants to continue joint membership as this significant price hike is a hardship and many companies. Please attend this meeting if you are able. Below is the new dues structure, a pdf file below that is the present dues.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 15, 2018 at Ryan's Grill & Buffett 2151 Gallatin Road, Madison TN The meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Jerry Seabolt, Tennessee Department of Agriculture will speak on Safety
our next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 20, 2018 at Ryan's Grill & Buffett 2151 Gallatin Road, Madison TN the meeting begins at 6:00
Our guest speaker will be Nick Iverson from BASF talking on Termites & Rodents
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, July 19, 2018 at Ryan's Grill & Buffett 2151 Gallatin Road, Madison TN the meeting begins at 6:00
Our Current Region 3 President, Michael Clark, will be handing off the gavel to the 2018-2019 President, Blake Southerland of Northwest Exterminating. We will also be presenting the 9th Annual $1,000 Scholarship to the winner - Natalie Welch, granddaughter of Dale Sheppard.
Blake Southerland
SPEAKER: Mark Cavanaugh of Forshaw will speak on Mosquitoes
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 17, 2018 at Ryan's Grill & Buffet 2151 Gallatin Road, Madison, TN The meeting begins at 6:00
Madison Marsteller of Dow will speak on Termites
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 15, 2018 at Ryan's Grill & Buffet 2151 Gallatin Road, Madison, TN the meeting begins at 6:00
Speaker: Matt Titshaw from Liphatech on Rodents
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, January 18, 2018 at Ryan's Grill & Buffet 2151 Gallatin Road, Madison, TN The meeting begins at 6:00 -
Speaker: Jerry Seabolt, TN Department of Agriculture
Our next meeting will be held on November 16, 2017 at Ryan's Grill and Buffett located at 2151 Gallatin Road in Madison, TN 6:00 p.m. meeting beings .
Our guest speaker will be Mark Cavanaugh of Forshaw Distribution - topic to be announced at a later date.
Our next meeting will be held on September 21, 2017 at Ryan's Grill and Buffett located at 2151 Gallatin Road in Madison, TN 6:00 p.m. meeting begins.
Our guest speaker will be Dennis Waldrop of Oldham Chemical talking on Safety
Our current Region 3 President, Patrick Smith, will be handing over the gavel to our 2017-2018 President, Michael Clark. Patrick has done an outstanding job of brining in speakers with interesting topics and keeping the members informed of any news related to the pest control industry, thank you for a job well done Patrick.
We will be presenting the Region3 Eighth Annual $1,000 Scholarship to this years recipient, Savannah Broadway who is a student at MTSU enrolled in the Forensic Science Program, her goal after graduation is to work for the TBI as a forensic agent. Congratulations Savannah and good luck on your chosen career.
Nick Iverson will be our speaker, Nick will be giving updates on the BASF products and how they will help control various pests.
Speaker: Jerry Seabolt of the Dept. of Agriculture and David James of Forshaw will speak on Safety, ie: PPE, Proper Transportation of Chemical, what to do in case of a chemical spill, etc.
We have a private meeting room go far right then left after passing the buffet. We met here on January 21 and found it very accommodating - we have a large room, the restaurant is clean and the food good. We have this room reserved the rest of the year.
Guest Speaker: David James of Forshaw will be our speaker, David will give a Bed Bug Research Update.
Guest Speaker: Larry Stretz of Syngenta speaker on Cockroach development and baits
2520 Music Valley Drive, Nashville TN 6:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker: Eric Ham of FMC who will talk on IPM and Spider Control
2520 Music Valley Drive, Nashville TN 6:00 p.m.
The July meeting is when we present the 6th Annual Region 3 TPCA Scholarship to Ms. Jessica Jackson who is the daughter of Timothy Jackson of Ace Exterminating, and also after bringing the meeting to order and presenting the scholarship to the winner Johnnie Hunter, (Ace Exterminating) our Region 3 President 2014-2015 will hand over the gavel to incoming President 2015-2016 Michael Clark (P.E.S.T. Inc.)
Johnnie has done a wonderful job during his presidency of bringing much needed information to the members, getting interesting speakers for the meetings and developing and sharing Ace Exterminating's Safety Training Manual - Thank you so much Johnnie for your dedication and hard work.
Guest Speaker: Jason Elkins of 100 Cups Consulting. the topic is Tell the right story in Marketing to build the right audience".
2520 Music Valley Drive, Nashville TN 6:00 p.m.
Speaker: Larry Stretz of Syngenta will speak on Perimeter Pests
2520 Music Valley Drive, Nashville, TN
Speaker: Garrett Rae, Tennessee OSHA Program Manager will give a power point presentation on the required OSHA Training.
guest speaker will be Jim Orr of Univar speaking on the mosquito Chikungunya Virus.
We will be awarding the 2014 Region 3 $1,000 scholarship to Ms. Andrea Butler and Burl Hiles, our current Region 3 President and owner of Burl's Termite & Pest Control, will hand the gavel over to the 2014-2015 President, Johnny Hunter of Ace Exterminating.
2520 Music Valley Drive, Nashville TN 6:00 p.m.
May 15 meeting guest speaker will be Patrick Callahan of P & L Systems speaking on Flying Insect Control
March 20 meeting guest speaker will be Larry Stretz of Syngenta speaking on Termites
2520 Music Valley Drive, Nashville TN 6:00 p.m.
Our guest speaker will be Dennis Waldrop of Oldham Chemical who will talk on sprayer maintenence.
We will also have Robert Beasley and Lynn of RedKap will talk a few minutes about uniforms.
Our guest speaker will be Nick Iverson of BASF who will talk about Termidor HE and Bed Bugs
2520 Music Valley Drive, Nashville TN 6:00 p.m.
Guest Speaker: David James, Forshaw Distribution Topic: The new OSHA SDS requirements. The SDS is replacing the MSDS
2520 Music Valley Drive, Nashville TN 6:00 p.m.
Our 2012-2013 President Tom Dixon of US Pest Protection will hand over the gavel to our 2013-2014 President Burl Hiles of Burl's Termite & Pest Control
The Region 3 2013 $1,000 Scholarship will be presented to Kelly Snyder, the daughter of Tina and John Drnek of Pest Guard.
Guest Speaker: Jim Orr of Univar will speak on Green Control for Bed Bugs
Guest Speaker: Rob Mulford with Infrazone
Rob will be speaking on a infra red imaging camera used to detect termites in obstructed areas.
Tom Nay will be speaking on Using Baits & IPM
Our guest speaker will be Blake Dotson with Bayer will talk on Perimeter Control.
Our next meeting is scheduled for November 15, at 6:00 p.m. Santa Fe Cattle Co.
Our guest speaker will be Nick Iverson of BASF who will talk about Termidor HE
Our guest speaker will be Lee Barrett with Nisus. Lee has been in the industry for 17 years working for U.S. Borax. Lee currently is vice president of business development in the national and international market for Nisus corporation. His topic will be Closed Crawlspaces.
During the July meeting our current president, Julie Yant, will hand the gavel over to incoming president Tom Dixon. Julie, who with her husband owns P.E.S.T., Inc has done an excellent job acquiring excellent speakers for all our meeings while working full time at P.E.S.T., Inc, raising two children and helping her husband, Andy who is the current TPCA president. Great job Julie, we really appreciate all your hard work.
Guest Speaker: Our guest speaker will be Dr. Karen Vail . Dr. Vail is a renowned entomologist with the University of Tennessee and is sought after across the country to share her expertise and we are very fortunate to have her as our guest. Dr. Vail will be speaking on odorous house ants.
We will also be awarding the Region 3 $1,000 scholarship at the July meeting to Shonta Oliver of Bell Buckle, TN. Shonta is currently a student at the university of Tennessee at Martin studying to be a vet technologist and is the daughter of Max and Regina Oliver of Quickstrike Pest Control. We congratulate Shonta on her scholarship and wish her a bright future. Shonta will be at the July meeting to receive her scholarship check. We received 3 applications for the scholarship this year and we want to thank each one for applying and wish them well in their future.
Message from our incoming president Tom Dixon: First and foremost, I would like to thank Julie Yant for the outstanding job she has done as President this year. The speakers she brought us were inspiring, motivating and very knowledgeable. Her dedication to the association has inspired all of us to be more active; encourage excellence in our industry and to do "the right thing always".
It is my desire to continue what Julie has accomplished this year. Dr. Karen Vail will be our speaker in July. A renowned entomologist with the University of Tennessee, Dr. Vail is sought after across the country to share her expertise.
I would encourage all members to be present at the meetings this year and to get involved. I look forward to working with all of you in the months to come.
Tom Dixon U.S. Pest Protection, Inc. office 615-822-8500 cell 615-732-9526
Remember the TPCA summer conference scheduled for July 26-27 at Wilderness at the Smolies in Sevierville, TN. Information and a registration form can be found by clicking the TPCA tab to the left.
Our guest speakers will be: Jerry Seabolt, Structural Supervisor AG Inputs & Pesticides, TN Dept. of Agriculture on EPA issues. (Note Steve Sullivan originally scheduled had a conflict and will not be able to make it)
March 22, 2012 at 6 p.m is our next Region 3 meeting - Santa Fe Cattle Company at 2520 Music Valley Drive, near the Opryland Hotel. NOTE: we are changing the March meeting to the 4th Thursday to accomodate Ray Johnson, President NPMA so he can speak at our meeting.
Ray Johnson NPMA president will be our guest speaker at the March meeting.
Dennis Waldrop of Oldham Chemical will be our technical speaker, topic to be announced.
MESSAGE FROM JERRY SEABOLT (this will also be permanantly added to the Bed Bug tab)
Subject: Attached HUD Report I received this from HUD and wish to pass it along to MTPCA for your use. There are several links as well as educational videos whose owners have agreed to allow anyone who wishes to download them. Those of you who are actively pursuing large apartment and condo business may find the tenant videos of a special value.
Jerry D Seabolt Structural Supervisor Regulatory Services Tn Department of Agriculture 615-837-5148
Note from our Region 3 President Julie Yant
I hope that you had a great Christmas with your loved ones. We enjoyed an exciting one this year with our boys ages 4 and 6. The wonder and innocence of these children is refreshing and I'm grateful to experience life with them. I am extremely excited about our speakers in January, particularly Paige Manuel. Paige has an exuberant and contagious spirit. I hope that you will all make plans to be at our meeting to hear what she has to share about maximizing our potential in life. I'm excited that Jim Orr from Univar will be speaking as well but I'm a tad bit more excited to share Paige with you - sorry Jim! ;-) I wish you all many blessings in 2012 and look forward to seeing you soon! Julie
Hi all! We had a great time at Pest World 2011 in New Orleans. It was our first visit to New Orleans and we really enjoyed the historical parts of the city. As usual, we thoroughly enjoyed the speakers, classes and networking at the conference. We were also proud to be there to celebrate NPMA President and fellow Tennessean from Sevierville, Ray Johnson of Johnson Pest Control. We had two phenomenal general sessions speakers. On Thursday we heard from Lt. Gen. Russell L. Honore (U.S. Army, Ret.). He discussed New Orleans post-Katrina and how we can prepare and be leaders in our family and community in the face of the next disaster. On Friday, we heard an amazing, emotional presentation from FDNY Chief Picciotto about his experience on 9/11. He was the last highest ranking fireman to be rescued as he was on the 6th floor of the North Tower when it collapsed. These men set some great leadership examples and hearing their stories definitely reminds us to count our blessings and put our daily struggles in perspective. I look forward to seeing you all in November. Remember to check out Region 3 TPCA and now TPCA pages on Facebook. Also, remember to invite a friend in the industry and share with them how they can benefit from our association. Julie
I’d like to thank you for the opportunity to give back to this group over the next year that has given us so much. The relationships that we’ve formed and the expertise that we’ve learned as being members of this association have been invaluable. I look forward to continue to grow in Region 3.
As some of you may know, my life long goal was not to be a PMP however now having been one for ten years, I wouldn’t change it for the world! I intended to use my psychology degree to go to law school however it has come in quite handy in dealing with customers, employees and running a business with my husband.
I enjoy all aspects of being a PMP however I’m most passionate about the management side of the business. I also enjoy educating consumers about the pest management industry and showing to all people that we are professionals in what we do. To that end, my goal is to incorporate technical and business management speakers into most, if not all, of our bi-monthly meetings. I currently have speakers scheduled through January and I’m quite excited to hear them present to our association in the coming months.
I would be greatly encouraged to have feedback from you regarding any topics that you are interested in. Andy and I have been involved on the local, state and national level of our association and I think there is something to be learned from each group. I hope to share some things I’ve learned along the way and to learn some new things myself in the coming year.
I look forward to our meeting in July and hope to see you there!
2011 Election Results for TPCA for incoming Secretary of the Executive Board are in and the new Secretary who will rise to the position of President TPCA in 2014 is Kevin Ruehling of Colonial Exterminating in Dunlap, TN
June 24, 2010
The nominating committee held the meeting today to open the ballots returned for election of officers. Please inform the members in your region as to the results of this meeting. Officers will be installed at the Summer Conference July 6th - 8th in Murfreesboro, TN at the Embassy Suites. Please thank all members who participated in this process.
The results are as follows:
Office - Candidate Name (# of Votes) Year of Presidency
President Designate -Andy Yant TPCA President 2011-2012
Treasurer - Ken Richards Jr. TPCA President 2012-2013
Secretary - David Markowski TPCA President 2013-2014
Thank you, Sandy Lowery Executive Director TPCA
Congratulations to Andy Yant of P.E.S.T., inc. on being elected President Designate TPCA for the year 2010-2011. Andy will serve as President TPCA during the year 2011-2012.
Al Foster is looking for nominees for the TPCA Lifetime Achievement Award. You can call him at 883-8526 with your nominees, or E- mail him at .